Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New to Uva! Words & Wine book Club!

We are so excited to introduce the Words & Wine Book Club at Uva! We are looking forward to providing a fun and new kind of experience for fans of words and wine! Develop your palate while expanding your literary horizons. This is a wine drinkers book club!

We will meet on the 2nd Sunday of every month in 2012 from 1 to 3 pm.

For just $10 you will get a flight of 3 wines and learn about those wine as well have wonderful discussions about the current great read. 

Join us on Sunday, November 13, 2011 at 1 pm for a meet and greet, to learn more about our book club and to select the first book while enjoying a complimentary mimosa. Bring 1 book suggestion that you would like to read within this book club.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Month at Uva

Read about how Uva Spa & Wine Boutique will be supporting the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Benefit of Colored Concealers

You may have come across palettes of concealers that feature green, pink, yellow and purple colors. Not sure how to use them? Here's a quick guide that can help you figure it out, providing you with essential make up application tips to perfect your look!

Concealers come in a variety of pastel hues, and each serves a purpose. When applying them, use only on the discolored area, followed by your regular concealer so that the color doesn't come through.

Green - Light green concealers will cover redness in the skin, common of acne, scars and birthmarks.

Pink - Pink shades balance out blue and gray tones, which tend to show up under the eyes.

Yellow - Yellow-based concealers brighten by evening out pink tones.

Orange and Peach - Great for darker skin, orangy shades correct blue tones under the eyes.

Purple and Blue - Cool colors like purple and blue counteract yellowness in the  skin to brighten.

Remember, after applying these color correctors, be sure to apply your normal concealer over it to hide the color and to give you that flawless, even skin tone you've been looking for.

Thank you to New Beauty's Spring 2011 issue for these great tips!

The Five S's of Wine Tasting

There's more to wine tasting then just drinking wine. Follow these 5 steps for a true wine tasting experience.

1. See - Look at the color: is it pale straw, Aztec yellow, blond, golden, green, gold, brick red, ruby red, deep purple, cranberry, red, burgundy? (Hold your glass up to the light against a white backround to really see the true color.)

2. Swirl - Swirl the wine in the glass to release the aroma, bouquet, and fragrance. (This is also a great time to check out the legs of your wine. Yes legs! Legs are the streams of wine that you see on the sides of your glass after swirling. The slower the legs move down the glass and the more there are, the higher the alcohol level in the wine. Legs are good because alcohol is a preservative so a wine with ´good legs´ is probably a good quality wine that will preserve for longer in the bottle.)

3. Sniff - Sniff the wine in the glass. What scents do you detect: apple. apricot, peach, lemon, lime, pineapple, pear, baked apple, butter, butterschotch, yeast, asparagus, plum, raspberry, baked cherry, strawberry jam, prunes, mint, licorice, spiced tea, mushrooms, orange, chocolate, coffee, cigar box, pipe tobacco, cola, beans, almond, bread, biscuits, cinnamon, cloves, honey, ginger, yeast, gardenia, geranium, rose, honeysuckle, chalk, flint, grass, hay, minerals, stone, straw, gasoline, rubber, earth, leaves, grass?

4. Sip - Swirl the wine in your mouth. How does it feel: full-bodied, medium-bodied, light-bodied?

5. Savor - Hold the wine in your mouth. Keep your mouth closed, then breathe in through your nose and swallow the wine. Take a moment to remember how the wine felt in your mouth: full, light, crisp, acidic, bitter, tannic, uneventful, or full and round, comfortable, savory, wonderful, or satisfying like velvet?

Thanks to the Sassy Sommelier aka Lizbeth Congiusti and her Wine-Tasting Guide and Journal for breaking these steps down for us!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summertime Facials

Many people have asked me, "Is it necessary to get facials during the summer?" I answer with an emphatic YES!

Summertime brings all different kinds of components that affect the health of your skin. Chlorine and salt water irritate your skin, sweat and suncscreen block your pores, and your skin peels from sun exposure. Your skin deserves some extra love and attention in the summer.

First, take a look at your skin care products. Many of us need to change our skin care regimen based on our skin's condition during the warmer months of the year. High temperatures trigger oil production so look for products that will help to balance that oil. Foaming cleansers, gel based moisturizers and clay based masks will help soak up excess oils.

Then schedule your monthly facial appointment at Uva Spa & Wine Boutique! We will customize a treatment for you based on your skin care needs and concerns. We will soothe your skin from irritation, smooth your skin from sun exposed flakiness and keep your pores clean from sweat and sunscreen. Our facials will have you looking great and feeling confident all summer long with a fresh face and glowing skin!

Treat yourself to some Grape Therapy this summer! You and your skin deserve it!

~ Traci


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Esthetician Needed

Uva Spa & Wine Boutique, Illinois’ only grape-based skin care spa, is seeking a motivated and enthusiastic part-time Esthetician to join our team in Harwood Heights. If you are serious about skin care and have a strong desire to help people, then we would like to speak with you. This is an excellent opportunity for a candidate to make an impact on a new and unique concept. New graduates are welcome, experience preferred but not necessary.

Those interested, please email your cover letter and resume to traci@uvastore.com. We will contact you to arrange an interview.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Uva Week this April!

Uva Week at Uva Spa & Wine Boutique
Uva Spa & Wine Boutique has decided to have their own version of Spa Week we're calling Uva Week!

During the week of April 12 - 17, new clients can book appointments for some very special treatments at only $50 each!

The choices are:
  • Manual Microdermabrasion - retail value $75 - Uva Week $50
  • Champagne & Rose Facial - retail value $75 - Uva Week $50
  • Sexy Back Facial - retail value $80 - Uva Week $50
Past Uva clients, don't fret! You can take advantage of this deal too, if you book an appointment with a friend that is new to Uva! (Both appointments need to be made for the same day and time.)

Call now to book your appointment before all the time slots are taken!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Red wine can protect you from radiation???

Heard this on the radio this morning and had to share with my Uva friends!

Concerned about a nuclear attack? Scientists are saying to drink.

Drink what, you ask?

Red Wine!

Because red wine has the highest concetrate of RESVERATROL, it will protect your cells from radiation!

Yet another reason to drink red wine. As if we needed one! 

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring is in the air!

Ahhhh... spring is in the air today in Chicago and it feels great!

And speaking of spring, get your sexy backs ready for halter tops and bathing suits and backless dresses with Uva's Sexy Back Facials! A facial for your back with a relaxing massage that will leave your back silky soft! Call us to book your appointment.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ultrasonic Skin Rejuvenation at Uva!

Uva is now offering the latest in ultrasonic therapy, our Ultrasonic Skin Rejuvenation Facial!

Ultrasonic treatment emits micro-vibrations that penetrate 3-7 cm beneath the surface of the skin. The mico-vibrations oscillate 1,650,000 times per second, moving so quickly that it cannot be seen by the eye of felt on the surface of the skin. Oscillation causes molecular friction beneath the surface of the skin and that friction develops heat. This combination of heat and oscillation can be very beneficial for rejuvenating face shape, elongating epidermis and minimizing wrinkles.

Continuous use of this treatment will break down fat cells into liquid and enable the cells to separate. This will eliminate the visibilty of cellulite making this a great treatment for your hips, buttocks, thighs, arms, legs and wherever else the appearance of cellulite can occur. (Look out for cellulite reducing body treatments, coming very soon to Uva!) Ultrasonic treatment will also reduce puffiness around the eyes, neck and chin.

Here are a few more reasons to love this treatment:
  • stimulates blood circulation
  • aids in lymphatic drainage
  • cleanses away toxins
  • enhances skin care product performance
  • tightens and tones neck, body and facial skin
  • diminishes wrinkles and fine lines
  • reduces the appearance of congested, puffy eyes
  • improves upon skin texture and tone
  • fades scars, freckles, age spots and redness
Our 90 minute Ultrasonic Skin Rejuvenation Facial provides you all the wonderful benefits our our 60 minute facial PLUS the ultrasonic therapy that will immediately firm and tighten your skin. Then we will treat you with the most fabulous Oxygenating Vine Serum that will enliven your complexion, leaving you with beautifully radiant skin! After that, an application of our Stimulating Pinotage Face Oil will help to stimulate collagen synthesis while the UltraVine Rich Collagen Cream will deeply hydrate your skin while protecting the collagen in your skin, decreasing the depth of wrinkles.

While this treatment is wondeful to get every 4-6 weeks, we recommend a series of 6 treatments to be performed every 2 weeks for longer lasting results.

See your Uva Skin Specialist for information on pricing and packages.

~ Traci
Come and experience Grape Therapy!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Spirit of Esthetics

Anne Martin, you are so inspiring!

I just read this article on Skin, Inc.'s website and am completely amazed at how Anne expresses what it means to be an Esthetician so poetically. She really digs down to the true spirit of being an Esthetician and the importance of every element that we bring into our treatments. It brought tears to my eyes to read it.

I joke sometimes on the similarities between a bartender and and esthetician, but the truth is I am a good listener. I like to listen. My spirit allows me to take on the heaviness my clients release during their treatments and I do that with pride! I want my clients to feel lifted when they leave my room. It's more than just wanting them to feel relaxed. I want my clients to feel refreshed and inspired. I want them to feel loved and beautiful.

One of the things I remember most about estheticians is my Mom's history with her long time esthetician (over 12 years!). She told me this woman went through 2 divorces with her! Her time with her esthetician was like a therapy session in that she talked about things going on in her life and laughed and cried through it all. Her Esthetician listened to her and gave her comfort through her heavenly touch. (Mom said she had the hands of an angel!) It's something I aspire to. I would love for my clients to talk like that about me someday. To feel like that about me.

This same Esthetician gave me my first facial. And I have to admit, I wasn't looking forward to it... AT ALL! I was all worried about this woman touching my face, my arms and hands, and how intimate that would be with a total stranger! It just didn't seem right! I didn't get it. And about an hour later, I got it. I completely understood why my Mom came to her. I completely understood how this person, this feeling, was a necessity! And I knew I wanted to make people feel this way too. I wanted to make people feel the same way I felt when I left her room. 

And as fate would have it, several years later, an opportunity was opened for me and I took the biggest leap of my life! After 19 years of being in the finance world, I decided to change my career path! Being well into my 30's, it was a scary endeavor. But I did it!

I'm in love with what I do for a living. I'm in love with being an Esthetician. I'm passionate about it and I'm challenged by it and I am completely satisfied with my profession. I want to help people be confident in the way they look and feel. I want to provide people with amazing experiences. I want people to feel loved and comforted. I'm in love with being an Esthetician!
Below is the article on http://www.skininc.com/ written by Anne Martin. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

~ Traci

Meaning in Work: The Spirit of Esthetics

By: Anne Martin
Posted: February 28, 2011, from the March 2011 issue of Skin Inc. Magazine.

Editor’s note: This article is based on the author’s presentation “Meaning in Work: The Spirit of Esthetics,” which will be presented in the Advanced Education Conference Program at Face & Body Midwest Conference and Expo in Chicago March 12–14, 2011.

All spa professionals reading this—whether you’ve practiced 22 days, 22 months, 22 years, or what may feel like 222 years—are colleagues. You are a group of like-minded individuals; in Buddhism, this is called a sangha. No matter how differently you may practice, each from the other, medical, ayurvedic, American, European and the like; no matter age differences, political beliefs, spiritual practices, thoughts on the economy ... you are bound by the thread, the sutra, of the practice of esthetics.

With that in mind, what if you stop thinking potentially divisive thoughts, such as wholistic is better than medical or machines better than herbs? What if you let go of the fear that others know more than you or the thought that, “I’ve been doing this for so long, the younger ones will pass me by,” or “The economy is failing; how will I survive?” or “The client will know I’m new, and that I don’t know enough”? Just for now, ease down those burdens and instead pick up the sutra that binds you together in the practice of esthetics. There are no strangers in this esthetic sangha; each are recognized through the connected work of skin care.

Embrace your calling

The theologian William Barclay said, “There are two great days in our lives: the day we are born, and the day we discover why.” There is a profound sense that you are here for a purpose, and that sense resonates deeply within you: You are alive for a reason, and figuring out that reason is part of discovering your true vocation. According to author James Hillman, “Where our talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies our calling.” You may have asked yourself whether there is a job that you’re somehow meant to do? A work that is your calling?

Calling has been tied to four ideas: core values, beliefs, environment and character. Core values themselves contain elements of how you go about your work; they are observable, discernible and unchanged. An example of one company’s core values is: “Integrity first; Service before self; Excellence in all we do.” The company? The United States Air Force. When you wonder, “Why am I working in esthetics?” and “Why does it matter?” exploring your core values helps get you closer to the answers.

For some, maybe there wasn’t anything else you could figure out. You had to do something, and you liked applying masks and creams. For others, the journey to esthetics may have started after your first facial. I used to say I fell into esthetics because I didn’t know what the universe wanted me to be or do. While on a leave of absence from graduate school, working in a bakery and at loose ends, a friend suggested esthetics. Not having a better idea, I applied to esthetics school, was accepted, and then thought that, by golly, I’d better get a facial, because I’d never had one. Luck held: The spa professional who gave me my first facial, Jane Aransky, was, and is, a marvel; only I didn’t fully realize that until years later. What I did think was that this facial stuff was wonderful and good and I could do it.

Why does your work matter?

Think about your day; how clients are eased by your labors, refreshed and calmed. Think of clients who arrive saying that they’ve been looking forward to this for days, as they sink gratefully into the peace you create for them. Why does it matter? Because what you accomplish in service to others steadies the heartbeat of their world. However you became a spa professional, the choice to do the work well is one that you make every day, with each client, although you may like one more than the other, although one is sweet and the other short-tempered. Integrity shines in this choice.

It’s more usual that the physical environment influences the directions you head. For example, there are more air conditioner specialists in Florida than Siberia, more fishermen in Louisiana than Arizona, more skiing instructors in Switzerland than England. Were you encouraged to seek until you find, and told you can do anything to which you set your intention? Do you have people who applaud your imagination, as it dreams its way into reality, substance and purpose? Then your environment supported your distinct choice of becoming a spa professional. Or perhaps you, like me, fell into it. Or maybe the choice was made in the quiet environment of your own thoughts: This I want to do, this I will do. And so you have.

What about what you do as a spa professional makes your work meaningful? Meaning is whatever we say it is ... whatever each of us determines it is for ourselves, according to American writer Joseph Campbell. There is such kindness disguised in the gift of bits of time, and seemingly toss-away conversations. There is poignant meaning to be derived from small moments of piercing normalcy; they are balm to tired spirits; they are the cool harbingers of the changes to come.

The character of a spa professional

Character distinguishes one from the other. It declares, like Popeye, “I yam what I yam!” and refers to what is intrinsic in people’s natures. It also reveals this: The way you do things when no one is looking tells more about you than any degree or impressive bank account or national prominence. Yes, character manifests itself in choice of profession, but it surfaces again in how well you work each day, although that is not so often realized. Giving a facial at 6 pm is different than one at 10 am if you’ve been working all day; doing your best each time reflects a personal standard of excellence and shows character. And it is true that things you perhaps didn’t know existed in yourself can be realized during facials, such as when you silently listen to the grief of the client whose partner has died. To quietly stand next to this sorrow is to bear witness to it, and that in itself is a courageous thing, a selfless thing, for her pain may remind you of your own. Loss speaks every language. Loss is timeless. You may have no words, but in their stead is something strong and fully human: compassion.

Your gifts

Your gifts to clients are those of listening and time, attention and service. You offer that which begins any conversation: generous listening. To the client with acne who suffers emotionally and physically, and whose glaringly distressed skin stands out in a crowd that favors similarities; to the aging client who fearfully looks into her mirror and glimpses a visibly tired, worn-looking face, and, just out of sight, waiting, the anonymity of age that folds over the time still left to her, like deep snow covering a field, hushing her voice. Spa professionals listen and then set to work, for your talents intersect with their needs, and you choose to help. You purify infected skin, calm reddened faces, empty what’s full and smooth what is bumpy. You ease fine lines, soften deeper ones, give clarity to what’s dull and lift to what’s slipped. Embedded in your helping is this understanding: The particulars of any suffering are less important than the fact that the suffering itself exists, and that the impact on the client’s spirit must be countered, must be turned aside. You tell clients that in the back alleys of the mind may lurk treacherous images and dark thoughts; that staring into a mirror can actually distort vision; that it’s a bit of a walk, this healing of skin, this easing of thoughts, but that you will go with them, and here, that’s it, drop those heavier ones for it will lighten your way.

About 2,500 years ago, in the year 6 B.C., the philosopher Heraclitus wrote: “The eye, the ear, the mind in action. These I value.” In each and every facial, spa professionals use these senses Heraclitus prized. Your work is predicated on them. You see the skin and analyze it; you listen to the histories and stories told to you; you ponder which services and products to recommend, and you think of treatment plans and programs. But a sense beyond that which Heraclitus identified is used: touch. You use your hands. Your touch comes without demands, without conditions and without judgments. It’s an offering of acceptance, because you know, no matter what it looks like on the outside, that many clients are not touched kindly, or at all. A client now in her early 80s, and whose husband passed about 10 years ago, told me that of all the things she missed, the one that came to mind most regularly was his nightly ritual of massaging her feet. No one guides her to sleep with that gentle touch any more.

You are hardwired

Spa professionals are hardwired to help through service. This help takes the form of educated and knowledgeable work, with intuition and understanding coursing throughout. Pity those who see esthetics as merely pampering, dismissing it as fluff. The effort to balance the brain’s splendid expression of logic and science with the radiant apprehension of the mind can still be a teeter-totter affair, but here is one such lovely success. In her book Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert writes: “There exists in human beings a literal anatomy and a poetic anatomy; one you can see, one you cannot. One is made of bones and teeth and flesh; the other is made of energy and memory and faith. But they are both equally true.”

Esthetics holds all to be true and usable in understanding and treating the skin: logic and intuition, science and emotion. Your work encompasses both anatomies by putting into service your eyes, ears, mind and hands, and through the meaning found in practicing over and again spiritual values of generosity, beauty and craft as you gently wash a face, tuck in a client and listen to her story. Your talents are meeting her world’s needs, and so it is that your beloved profession calls you to work.

Anne Martin is a licensed esthetician and esthetic instructor, and is also a CIDESCO diplomate. She is a magna cum laude graduate of the University of Massachusetts,Boston, and studied at the Harvard Divinity School.Martin graduated from the Elizabeth Grady School of Esthetics. She is the founder and chairperson of the NW Aestheticians’ Guild and chairperson of the Washington State Advisory Board for Cosmetology, Manicuring, Barbering and Esthetics. Along with Mark Lees, PhD, she co-founded the Institute of Advanced Clinical Esthetics, offering advanced seminars for estheticians. Martin currently has a private practice in Seattle where she specializes in the treatment of acne.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So What is this Uva thing all About?

That's the questions we get asked time and time again. What is Uva? What is this Uva thing all about?

Uva is the Spanish word for grape. We thought the word Uva would perfectly describe the whole idea of our boutique in one word. Our vision is to bring the vineyard to Chicago and share the benefits of grape therapy in the city that we love.

When you walk into our boutique, you're walking into the retail wine section. We carry several varietals of  wine from all over the world like California, Washington, Italy, Argentina, Spain, Australia and France. From sparkling, fruity, and crisp to buttery, big and bold, we're sure you will find your next favorite wine here.

And one way you can do that is by joining us every Saturday between 3 and 4 pm for our wine tastings. Our Chief Oenophile in Charge will select a red and a white and whoever browses in during our wine tasting hour will have an opportunity to have a taste of both of our selections. It's a good way to sample what we have on our shelves and taste before you buy.

We also carry gift bags, corkscrews, decanters for both red and white wine, wine bottle stoppers, wine bottle pourers, wine aerators and most other wine accessories. We can even customize gift baskets for any occasion, like most recently Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day, Mother / Father's Day, and birthdays. We can also be your Holiday Corporate gift giving provider and create beautiful holiday gift baskets for your clients, colleagues, team members, etc.

And speaking of gifts, we also sell gift cards! Give the gift of grape therapy by giving your loved ones a gift card for a spa treatment!

And that brings us to the spa portion of our boutique. Wine and spa? How do the two tie together? Grape based skincare products, that how! Yes, we carry two wine-derful lines of skincare products all made using the grapes used to make wine and their byproducts, like grape skins, seeds, vines, extracts of wine, grapes and grapeseed, and grapeseed essential oil. All of these components combined create a power house of benefits for your skin.

We offer customized facials for all skin types and concerns, as well as a special Men's facial (although all of our facials can treat both men and women) and back facials.

We also offer advanced treatments like our Intensive Exfoliating Facial which is our version of a Chemical Peel, a Manual Microdermabrasion Facial with is a machine-less, powder-less and less invasive form of a Microdermabrasion, and an Ultrasonic Skin Rejuvenation Facial which utilizes ultrasound technology to firm and tighten your skin as well as boost collagen and elastin synthesis and decrease the look of fine lines and wrinkles. To get the full benefits of these advanced treatments, we recommend a series of 6-8 treatments weekly or bi-weekly. (Packages are available.)

Uva Skin Specialist's also perform full facial and body waxing. Visit http://www.uvastore.com/ for a full list of our services.

When you come in, you will be escorted to out Uva Lounge where you will fill out your skin-sultation paperwork while enjoying a taste of the day's wine selection. Your Uva Skin Specialist will go over your paperwork with you, ensuring that the best treatment for your skin is selected. Then you will be taken into one of our 2 treatment rooms, either the Moscato Room or the Merlot Room. There your Uva Skin Specialist will indulge you in one of the delicious Grape Therapy treatments.

Both treatment rooms are equipped with iPod docks. We have a selection of contemporary music or instrumental music that everyone so far really prefers over the traditional spa sounds of water falls and chirping birds. But if you have a special playlist on your personal iPod that you would love to listen to, just let your Uva Skin Specialist know and she will put your iPod in the dock.

After your treatment, you have a choice of having another taste of wine or water, coffee, tea or hot chocolate. Your Uva Skin Specialist will go over and precautions to take after your facial, recommend at home products that will continue the work we started at Uva, and recommend follow up treatment to meet your skincare goals.

New treatments have already been added like our NEW Champagne & Rose Facial, a delicious super hydrating and anti-ageing facial that will leave your skin feeling silky smooth and touchable soft!

And our NEW Glycolic Grape Peel Veil that can enhance any of our 60 or 90 minute facials. This Peel will removes dead skin cells, deeply hydrate your skin and help to fade age spots due to over exposure to the sun. It also provides a large variety of phyto-nutrients with antioxidant properties including vitamins, phenols, cartenoids and flavonoids.

We also have a few more treatments being added to our menu so look out for announcements, coming very soon!

Uva also offers party packages for wedding parties / bridal showers, bachelorette parties, birthday parties, etc. We'd be happy to host your next party!

So that's pretty much what this whole Uva thing is about. We hope you'll be in soon to check it out for yourself!

~ Traci
It's not just a facial, it's an experience!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Benefits of wine and grapes in skincare - DAYSPA Magazine!

Hi everyone,

Click on the link below to read DAYSPA Magazine's article of the month regarding the benefits of wine and grapes in skincare. Great article!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Our First Video Update!

Ok so a blind man can tell how nervous I was doing this but, hey, it's my first time so cut me a little slack! ;-)
I really am excited to start video updating. It's going to be a really fun way to keep everyone in the loop about what's happening at Uva Spa & Wine Boutique. So, enjoy the video!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Love will be in the air this weekend, at Uva Spa & Wine Boutique!

That's right, love will be in the air this weekend at Uva Spa & Wine Boutique because we will be featuring two very special wines this Saturday. Stop in anytime between 3 and 5 pm to taste the Malbec and Torrontes from artist, Salvatore Principe's collection. We will also have the Prosecco in stock, if you like a little sparkle in your wine!
Artist, Salvatore Principe's Wine Collection
A little about the artist:
Salvatore Principe's steadfast dedication to enriching people's lives through his deeply abounding, expressive, and affecting art is reflected in this special edition wine collection.

Salvatore was born in 1959 of Italian heritage and raised in Manhattan where the brutal collides with the beautiful. Salvatore found himself inspired by the juxtaposition and diversity. While influenced by the pop culture of the 70's, Salvatore was inspired to paint hearts after his mother passed. To him, the heart is an extension of her unyielding support of him in his quest to be an artist. It goes hand in hand with his ideal of spreading love, goodwill and positive energy throughout the world.

In this spirit, we bring to you Salvatore Principe's Torrontes, Malbec & Prosecco wines!


The Torrontes is from the Cafayate region of Mendoza, Argentina. Native to this region, it has the nose of a Gewurztraminer with aromas of violets, apricots, honey and spices followed by a refrshing palate of citrus fruits.

The Torrontes would pair well with salads, chicken or spicy dishes.


The Malbec is from Mendoza, Argentina. This Malbec has a complex nose of red fruit, chocolate accented by dark fruit and silky tannins.

The Malbec would pair will with pasta, vegetables, mature cheeses, barbeque, pizza, stews or roasted meats.



The Prosecco is from the Veneto region of Italy, just north of Venice. This Prosecco has very fine and persistent bubbles with floral aromas, peaches, nectarines and golden delicious apples. It is fresh and lively on the palate.

The Prosecco would pair well with pasta, chicken, spicy asian dishes, stuffed mushrooms, prosciutto, seafood, and as a special events wine.

Stop in for a taste! Then pick up a bottle or two for your sweetie and spread the love this Valentine's Day!

Don't forget about our Champagne & Rose Facial, perfect for this weekend to get you ready for your Valentine's Day celebration of love!

And we also have wine flavored lip balms! Your kisses will literally be intoxicating!

Get a little love from the Grape this weekend!

~ Traci
Love is... Grape Therapy! 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Champagne & Roses, just what a girl wants!

Uva Spa & Wine Boutique is very pleased to announce our new treatment, the Champagne & Rose Facial!

Prepare yourself for a total indulgence!

Our Champagne and Rose Facial is a delicious anti-aging facial treatment that will leave your  skin feeling soft, hydrated and youthful. The Champagne & Rose Moisture Mask restores the skin's water lipid layer and increases the amount of nutrients and oxygen in the skin cells, neutralizes free radicals, and protects connective tissue. The Champagne & Rose Facial will reverse sun damage, eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, erase lip lines and firm, lift and tone aging skin.

What a great treat for Valentine's Day!
But don't fret... it's a permanent new treatment, so it's not going away after Valentine's Day! It's here to stay!

Call 708-669-7169 to schedule your appointment!

~ Traci ~
Grapes are Good!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Whew! Hard work and a BLIZZARD?!?!?!

So we've been super busy at Uva... working on adding new treatments, working on our first newsletter, working on our Valentine's Day specials, getting the tasting notes for our Wine Club selections, etc.! So much to think about and so little time to put all this info together! AHHHHH!!! Aromatherapy mist of Serenity surrounds me now and I'm breathing in and out, in and out, in and out... Ok, I'm back.

Anyway, Chicago is in full BLIZZARD Watch Mode right now, the city is basically at a standstill in anticipation of the BLIZZARD coming our way! Snow day's for many people tomorrow. Hope CPS will get it together and give these kids the day off too!

Uva's received an onslaught of phone calls today, rescheduling all our appointments this week! I can't say that I blame them, I wouldn't leave my house if I didn't have to.

As a matter of fact, we're closing shop in the next half an hour and will be closed tomorrow too.

If you want to be in the know about Uva's upcoming Valentine's Day Treatments, special wine tastings, etc., join our mailing list! It's simple... just visit our Facebook page, click on the tab label Join My List and type in your email address. Lots of wine-derfulness coming in February so join the list now!!!

Stay warm and stay indoors! Rent some movies and drink some wine!

~ Traci

Friday, January 28, 2011

Vajazzle your Vajayjay?

Hello everyone!

We've been thinking about what kind of new services we can add on to our menu and we thought about Vajazzling! Check out the video from youtube and let us know what you think!

Would you vajazzle YOUR vajayjay?


~  Traci

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Check out this interview!

We are so excited to share this with you!

Owner and COC, Iris Alicea, was interviewed for this article.

Check it out!


Happy Sunday!


That is all.

Happy Sunday everyone!

~ Traci

Bears, chili and wine... what else do I need?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wine & Football Food Pairings... had to share!

I found this on Lynfred Winery's website and though this was so cool and wanted to share it with you ASAP, just in time for the big game tomorrow!

Looking for the perfect wine to serve at your football party? Check out these wine and football food pairings for some suggestions:

Italian Sausage: Riesling, Seyval Blanc, Sangiovese, Vin de City Red

Brats: Riesling, Seyval Blanc, Vin de City Red or White, Zinfandel

Corned Beef Sandwiches: Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Sangiovese, Vin de City Red

Buffalo Wings: Riesling, Seyval Blanc

BLT: Rose', Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Sangiovese

Italian Beef Sandwiches: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Zinfandel, Syrah

Nachos: Zinfandel, Vin de City Red

Pork Rinds: Sparkling Wine, Riesling

Pizza: Sangiovese, Malbec, Pinot Noir, Rose', Syrah, Zinfandel

Chili: Malbec, Vin de City Red, Syrah, Zinfandel


Enjoy the game tomorrow and I hope this helps!

~ Traci

Footballers need to feed their souls too, why not with a great wine?

My favorite Cabernet

Happy Saturday!!!

Ok, so I said I would do this last night, but ended up not having enough time.

So here it is... my favorite Cabernet right now:

2007 Domaine des Corbillieres Touraine Cabernet Franc

Domaine des Corbillieres is located in the town of Oisly near the city of Tours in the Loire Valley of France.
The Loire Valley has a long history of winemakeing dating back to the 1st century. In the High Middle Ages, the wines of the Loire Valley were the most esteemed wines in England and France, even more prized than those from Bordeaux.

The Cabernet Franc based wines from this region are  lighter in color with more vegetal or "weed"-like aromas. In riper vintages, a Loire Cabernet Franc will develop aromas of raspberries and lead pencil shavings.

Snooth.com says: Cabernet Franc, along with Sauvignon Blanc, is a parent of the more famous Cabernet Sauvignon. Quite similar in many ways to Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc tends to have higher acid and lighter tannins than its offspring, with fruit in the redder end of the spectrum and a distinctive, aggressive herbal note that can dominate the wine's aromas.
Snooth.com also says: Aromas of toasted praline, lightly-cooked blackberries, machine oil, and licorice lead to a palate at once creamy and invigoratingly juicy, with cherry pit, blackberry, and toasty nut oil flavors carrying into a polished, satisfying finish.

But why do I like it?

Well, I like it because it's a lighter, creamier version of a Cabernet Sauvignon. Cabernet Sauvignon, while delicious in it's own right, can sometimes be a little too bold for me. I prefer this lighter version, with it's deliciously fruity flavors of cherries and blackberries and just a slight hint of earthiness. It warms me up and satisfies my need for a great red during these long winter nights!

Stop by Uva to pick up a bottle of this little gem of a red!

Have a "wine"-derful Saturday night.

~ Traci

Drink red... it satisfies!

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Importance of Exfoliating

Hello everyone!

It's a super cold day in Chicago! I hope eveyone is keeping warm. The cold winters and below zero temperatures wreak havoc on our skin. We start to look and feel dry, scaly and flaky. It's a great time for exfoliation. This process helps scrub off the dead skin that lays on our skin's surface, revealing beautiful, fresh new skin!

Below is a note that I posted on Facebook about the different types of exfoliation and the benefits of each. Just wanted to share that here as well. Enjoy!
Did you know?

Skin cells that have been around for about 25 days are starting to shed, making room for the new skin cells that will be taking their place. Sometimes the old skin cells remain attached to the surface of your skin, which can create challenges for the new skin: blackheads, whiteheads, rough texture, or an uneven appearance of the skin tone.*

When the natural process of shedding the dead, dry skin cells doesn't work, you need to step in and help it along. Keeping the skin exfoliated helps ensure that your other skin care products, like serums and moisturizers, are more effective. When they don't have to penetrate a layer of dead skin cells, they can target the new skin cells, which is where they need to work.*

This is a big part of why your Esthetician advices getting facials every 4 - 6 weeks. Most facials include an exfoliation step, using either a manual form of exfoliation (also know as a scrub) or a chemical form of exfoliation.

What's the difference, you ask?

Well, a manual exfoliator or scrub will almost always have a "gritty" type of feel to it. The purpose of that grittiness is to physically remove the dead skin cells. A chemical exfoliator uses ingredients like glycolic and lactic acids to chemically disolve the old skin cells.

When choosing an manual exfoliator, make sure it is specifically made for the face. Do not use body exfoliaitors on your face becasue the skin on your face is thinner then the skin on your body and the grittiness used in body exfoliators could be too harsh for the delicate skin on your face.

Also, you should look for a product that boasts “beads” or “spheres”, denoting that the gritty ingredient that does the scrubbing is perfectly round. Many products use ground-up shells, which are abrasive and harsh. The shells have uneven, sharp edges that can create small rips, causing minor skin damage and irritation to the pores. You should avoid these types of manual exfoliants whenever possible.*

Two of the most common chemical exfoliating ingredients, glycolic acid and lactic acid, are found in the alpha-hydroxy family. Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) are derived from fruits and the sugars in milk. Nearly every professional skin care line, and many over-the-counter products, use these two ingredients. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are the most popular AHAs because they are better able to penetrate the skin than some of their counterparts. Alpha hydroxy exfoliants work by dissolving the “glue” that holds the dead skin cells to the new skin cells, allowing the old skin to be washed away easily.*

In addition to their exfoliating benefits, AHAs also offer many restorative benefits. In higher percentages, they can stimulate collagen production and also help reverse the effects of sun damage, such as fine lines and spotty pigmentation. However, AHA products also make your skin more sensitive to the sun, making use of a daily sunscreen mandatory for those who choose to exfoliate this way.*

With winter upon us, most of us are seeing and feeling a difference in our skin. Tight, scaly, flaky skin is causing us to look tired and gray. Let Uva Spa & Wine Boutique revitalize your skin. Come in for any one of our facials and let our licensed estheticians work magic on your skin to gently exfoliate away all the dry skin and make your skin bright and beautiful again!

We also have a Manual Microdermabrasion Facial and a Chemical Peel Facial that both focus on shedding your skin of dead skin cells as well as minimizing pore size and dimishing the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

Call us today and set up your appointment at 708-669-7169.

From your Uva Team,

Iris, Traci & Candace

*From the article titled "Exfoliating Your Skin" by Annalise Kaylor

Thanks for reading  this note.

Stay warm and cozy up with a nice Cabernet! Maybe I'll share with you my favorite Cabernet a little later today! ;)

~ Traci
Feed your body and soul at Uva Spa & Wine Boutique!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hello from Uva Spa & Wine Boutique!

Hi everyone!

Welcome to our blog! My name is Traci and I am the Lead Esthetician and Store Manager at Uva Spa & Wine Boutique. Iris is the owner and COC (Chief Oenophile in Charge), and she also happens to be my Mom! And we also have the fabulous Esthetician Candace who rounds out our little team.

We are excited to start this blog, something none of us has ever attempted... so be patient :) !

A little about Uva Spa & Wine Boutique:

Well, there are two sides to our shop that are joined together by one big component...
the GRAPE!

We are a retail wine shop, carrying select and unique wine from all over the world. We are also a spa, focusing on grape-based skincare. Yes! We use skincare products made with grapes and the by-products of grapes that are used to make that delicious wine we all love to drink!

We hear it all the time, red wine is good for you... in moderation, of course ;). It can lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses. It's high in antioxidants, which can repair cell damage caused by harmful oxygen by-products in the body.

In regards to skincare, grapes contain high concentrations of grapeseed polyphenols, known as oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs). It is proven that OPC’s are 50 times the strength of Vitamin E and 20 times the strength of Vitamin C with regards to their levels of anti-oxidants. What wonderful benefits for our skin!

We offer several types of facials for all kinds of skin conditions that can be customized to your unique specifications.

But it's not just a facial... it's an experience! The Uva Experience! All of our services begin and end with a taste of wine in a comfortable and relaxed setting.

We also have complimentary wine tastings every Saturday from 3-4 pm.

So, to sum it all up, skincare products utilizing all the benefits of the grapes... delicious and unique wine from all over the world... that's how we tie a retail wine shop and spa together! Grape Therapy for your body and soul!

Visit us at:
5102 N. Harlem Ave.
Harwood Heights, IL 60706.

Call us at:
(708) 699-7169

Check us out at:
www.facebook.com/uvaspa (join our mailing list from our Facebook page!)

What's ahead for us as far as this blog?

We're going to keep everyone updated on any specials, wine tastings, parties, etc. that we think you might be interested in.

We are also going to feature wine that we love, food and wine pairings, skin care tips and suggestions, information about our newest products, etc.

We'll also be taking any questions that you have about wine and skincare and featuring those questions on our newsletter. Not sure yet, but I think we might be able to link that newsletter to our blog.

I hope that I've peaked your interest in our Spa & Wine Boutique. I hope that you'll look to us as wine enthusiasts and skin care experts to learn about how Grape Therapy can benefit you.

And if you're in the Chicago area, come by, enjoy a taste of wine and experience Uva first hand!

~ Traci

Life is too short to drink bad wine! ;)