Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Whew! Hard work and a BLIZZARD?!?!?!

So we've been super busy at Uva... working on adding new treatments, working on our first newsletter, working on our Valentine's Day specials, getting the tasting notes for our Wine Club selections, etc.! So much to think about and so little time to put all this info together! AHHHHH!!! Aromatherapy mist of Serenity surrounds me now and I'm breathing in and out, in and out, in and out... Ok, I'm back.

Anyway, Chicago is in full BLIZZARD Watch Mode right now, the city is basically at a standstill in anticipation of the BLIZZARD coming our way! Snow day's for many people tomorrow. Hope CPS will get it together and give these kids the day off too!

Uva's received an onslaught of phone calls today, rescheduling all our appointments this week! I can't say that I blame them, I wouldn't leave my house if I didn't have to.

As a matter of fact, we're closing shop in the next half an hour and will be closed tomorrow too.

If you want to be in the know about Uva's upcoming Valentine's Day Treatments, special wine tastings, etc., join our mailing list! It's simple... just visit our Facebook page, click on the tab label Join My List and type in your email address. Lots of wine-derfulness coming in February so join the list now!!!

Stay warm and stay indoors! Rent some movies and drink some wine!

~ Traci

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