Friday, August 23, 2013

Uva Challenge's Final Step!

So, you've shown us pictures of yourself drinking wine, and we've all been able to see your daily skincare regimen, now we want to see you glam yourself out wearing your favorite lipstick! 

Take a photo of yourself wearing your favorite lipstick. See my example above although 4 pictures are not required... just fun! 

Post that photo (or a compilation of photos as I did, if you're feeling adventurous) on Instagram. 

The caption must include the following:

  1. must say Uva Challenge 
  2. must include the tag @uvaspawineboutique 
  3. must state "My favorite lipstick is (brand) in the color (name of color)".
We also need for you to click on the Add People button and add @uvaspawineboutique. This will put your picture on our Instagram page and make it easier to keep track of.

You will have until next Thursday, August 29 to get your picture in but the sooner you get it in the better because we're doing a voting process again and the longer your picture is out there, the more votes you could get!

Once you picture is posted on Instagram, we will take a screen shot of it and add it to a photo album on our facebook page, as well as post it on our Instagram page.

Then the voting begins! Get your family, friends, co-workers, etc. to vote for your picture by liking it on Uva's Facebook page or on our Instagram Page! The more likes you have, the more chances you will have to win the Uva Glam Session! (FYI... Likes on your pictures on your Instagram or Facebook page will not count. Please direct them to Uva's Instagram and Facebook page.)

TIP: To really get your family and friends attention on Instagram, once I post your picture on Uva's page, go to the comment area and tag them! On Facebook, go to your picture and tag them or go to the comment area and tag / bluelight them!

At midnight on what will technically be Friday, August 30, we will tally the votes. The picture with the most likes will get 8 tickets put into our giant wine glass. The second place picture will get 7 tickets and so on through the person with the least amount of votes which will get 1 ticket. This can increase your odds of winning dramatically! And this is why it is so important to get your picture submitted as soon as possible!

On the afternoon of Friday August 30, we will announce who the lucky winner is!

Get to work ladies! And Uva fans, help these ladies win by voting for your favorite picture!

Good luck!

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